wired for sound

Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga

i haven’t had a lot of time to blog lately – i’m trying to be very good with having time to make stuff and do my own admin, as well as come to the last 4 weeks of my intense residency.

and then this weekend, i’m squeezing in a quick trip to cootamundra (from perth) to participate in a very exciting workshop at the WIRED lab with joyce hinterding and david haines (you may remember me talking about joyce’s work at ISEA in 2010).

i’m stupidly excited, feel wildly unprepared, but naive enough to be open to whatever the hell i learn. i’ll probably be the least sound-specific nerd there, but i’m hoping to do some new listening and have a ball anyway.

a couple of things i’m interested in are the methods for listening to a non-urban, or even a non-earth-based space, and what the experience is of listening to the past – which is what stars are, really –  (extending this idea that sounds don’t disappear).

I’ll try and take some decent pics too – especially because the geek-in-residence project is now heavily into HTML land and very un-photogenic. 🙂

see you under the stars, kids.

image credit: turner_andi from flickr

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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