off to NZ

New Zealand, Christchurch: Cathedral Square

yes that’s right – i’m popping over to christchurch on Sunday morning for 2 days to check out the SCAPE public art biennale. it was an impulse decision, after feeling a bit, well, un-travelled, but i’m glad i’m going. i’ll get to see a few cool bits and pieces, check out how the other half live and see what the south is. is up to.

if any one who reads this (all 4 of you) happens to be in christchurch and can suggest any hot spots – namely a good coffee and a place to go on a sunday/monday, feel free get in touch, would love to catch up with some kiwi artist-types.

i’ll update you all on my return.

and i’ve also got a probably-get-sued-for-libel-i’m-so-cross rant planned about bad art journalism in shit fashion mags. glee!

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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