not now, i’m talking*

iNNIT invite

David Kemmery is an amazing resident of Wollongong – the Director for Short Sited Film Festival for an amazingly long time, fantastic film maker, hard-working member of the Relativity team, great photographer, good friend and the lovely partner of a friend of mine.

He also asked me to participate in his ongoing project, Not Now I’m Talking, which is now part of an exhibition [clap and we’ll tell you everything] on at Project at the moment.

The Not Now, I’m Talking project is centered around the idea of places, spaces and how they are significant to people. It features snapshots and text by 15 selected artists about their “significant places”. The artists are from a radiating distance, relative to David’s place: Wollongong, to the Illawarra, Sydney, Melbourne and then international and the significant “places” that are featured are physical, conceptual, cryptic, direct and diverse. And the only link between the contributors is that they know the curator, David Kemmery, which in turn says some interesting things about connections between people and places, memory and experience, and begs the question ‘what is distance?’.

Go and check it out if you’re in the area – sounds like a cracking show:

clap and we’ll tell you everything
Project Contemporary Artspace
255 Keira Street, Wollongong
Wednesday 27 August – Sunday 7 September 2008
Opening night: Friday 29 August 2008, 6:30pm

*my really daggy title abbreviation: [i]NNIT!

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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