missed it by that much

thanks to moving house, i missed the second dorkbot melbourne in a row!

and i missed out on some screenings of artworks around connectivity and systems that i really, really wanted to see:

1. Works of Art by Theo Jansen

2. The Way Things Go (Der Lauf Der Dinge) by Peter Fischli and David Weiss.

3. Paricipatory Installations: Interactive Wood Machines by Bernie Lubell, who you may recall I wrote about at ars electronica.

Thankfully, there is a special Part II of the January Dorkbot [maybe this happens to everyone at this time of year].

Thursday 31 January 2008 with Robert Henke.
held at the usual place: Level 1, 124a Johnston St Fitzroy,
but at the not-so-usual time of 7:30 for 8pm start.

Robert, aka Monolake will be joining us to talk about the design, construction and evolution of his Monodeck performance controller – a custom built MIDI controller he uses to perform live electronic music

If any of you went to 14.1, let me know how it went (and i’ll try to not get really jealous) and if anyone is planning to go on thursday, i’ll see you there!.

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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