calling all listeners

SSR_ 76

all 5 of my regular readers will probably remember me talking about that listening project eddy and i did last month? where we ‘plugged in’ to the city and listened to the public soundtrack with our headphones on.

well, in the spirit of all things bold and beautiful, i’m upscaling the project for a performance next month and i’m looking for helpers.

i need people to listen with me. in public.

there will be 20 – 30 of us, all with headphones, randomly plugged into aspects of the city and its structure/infrastructure, all paying attention, noting the sounds of the city. radiating from the key intersection of elizabeth and bourke sts, but still in a relatively tight formation, the work will draw attention to the act of listening, the object of headphones in public and the sound of metropolitan melbourne.

unlike last time, you don’t have to dance. all you have to do is listen and be willing to do that for 30 minutes, in a group.

if you’re interested in participating, drop me a line in the comments section, DM me on twitter, or email me lauren @

if you’re one of my current angels, and i haven’t got back to you yet, never fear – the group email is nigh.


and here are some related links, just in case i haven’t made myself clear enough.

my mini-DVR (pdf)
flickr pics
my blog post
eddy’s blog post
michael bull’s essay in google books

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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