
abc. really not for me.

i left feeling sad. sad at the precarious state of affairs that contemporary art in berlin seems to be in.

i left feeling cynical. cynical that, if i couldn’t find anything to stop me for more than 5 seconds, who would.

i left feeling despondent. despondent that perhaps this is the world of art and that it is exactly as precarious, insecure, listless and flaccid as all this.

i left feeling ripped off. there are some kick-arse galleries in that list. places with some great shows on at the moment. i wish i had saved my €8 and just gone to see them instead.

i did think it was amusing that i walked around the art fair with my bag of groceries – a leek in one hand and the plan in the other. i felt as though i was shopping for art lebensmittel in a supermarket at 10pm on a Sunday, before the shelves had been stacked full again.

i acknowledge that an art fair isn’t really for me. i’m not an art-buying public at all. perhaps, for them, it’s amazing. and a real success.

who knows.

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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