jorges luis borges

serendipity is funny, innit. about 3 weeks ago, i don’t think i really had ever heard of jorges luis borges. or at least i didn’t take much notice.

but then ben and craig, as part of their fabulous residency, recently did a recital of his essay around the grounds of the collingwood housing estate and it was ace.

[in fact their post about their first 6 weeks is excellent and although i’d seen most of it in the making, i was proud and jealous and excited all at once]

then i meet benjamin forster, who is one of the other residents at cia. he’s super smart, super motivated, he get’s it. and he’s got a show at fremantle arts centre, which i went and checked out late last week. apart from being amazing manifestation of actions about time and language, he referenced mr borges in his catalogue essay and in a work about the removal of meaning!

i took a friend along, who still believes art is about images and striking images at that. unsurprisingly, my friend didn’t quite get it. but after our post-exhibition post-mortem, he understood (which is the subject of another post, by the way).

as slight sidestep about the other works at the centre: olga cironis‘ show, fajr, about prayer rugs and the significance of their aesthetic on islamic ritual was pretty interesting, but could have knitted in a little extra punchiness with something else – perhaps the sound of fajr call to prayer, or some vision of fajr prayers. i don’t know exactly, i just felt that there was a vital piece of information or meaning that was slightly missing. i did, however, find that i felt a great sense of relief about seeing an artwork on ritual in islam, in a place that is so not-islamic, like perth. perhaps i’m just being a romantic orientalist. 

sadly, i felt no connection to the patrick doherty work. it’s probably just not my thing.

this weeks’ homework:

obviously, i need to go and borrow a copy of something by jorges luis borges (or, in australian strine: geooorge boooorgs).  refutation of time? exactitude in science?

for you perth folk reading – you need to go and see benjamin’s show at fremantle arts centre.

for you melbourne folk reading – you have to keep an eye out for open studios at the underground. or at least on the blog. there’s some interesting stuff goin’ down there.

thanks for subscribing to she sees red by lauren brown. xx

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