short black map

a while back i went to the effort to draw a map of melbourne (and inner city suburbs) to map out my fav. places to get a short black. well, since then, i’ve discovered more places to partake in my particular black gold obsession. particular is probably a nicer way to put it, but i called myself a coffee fascist the other day – i’m not sure if it’s accurate, but it’s getting close. the only difference between how i feel about espressos and what could be constituted as fascism, is that i’m not trying to convert others into my brand of coffee-ness. i think.

anyway, here are the new kids on the block (this is not to discount the OGs:


6. nashi
i know, i swore i would never drink coffee from a place that was set up to be kind of like a fast food place. but you know what, the lovely barista there is a coffee snob like me, makes me the best short black to have while i’m waiting and even lets me their sugar and metal spoons to stir in (and not have to use a plastic spoon with packet sugar). that’s love, that is.

7. switchboard
run by a couple of kiwi lads who are just lovely. great lunchtime foodies: the switchboard special toasted sandwich is my favourite. the only gripe – $3.30 for a short black. i don’t know but there’s a psychological $3 upper limit for me.

8. cumulus inc
everyone’s raving about cumulus now, but i was there first. in fact, the gorgeous baristas know our names and they know exactly what to make us. i don’t get down there as often as i’d like now (and i’m selfishly hoping the ridiculous crowds will diminish a little soon). but their coffee is divine. [and they use Single Origin coffee from my second-favourite cafe in sydney. You guessed it, Single Origin.]

9. mr tulk [otherwise known as the proxy meeting room for all RMIT staff and students.]
my first experience of the tulk was an arrogant shit of a hipster giving me and my friend attitude when i asked for a double espresso. we left, vowing never to return.
well, i go there pretty much every day now and they know what i want when i walk in and are just the bomb. i sit and have my little short black, read the business day section of the age (the only section left, and it’s actually quite interesting, believe it or not), before heading back to uni.


5. bistro flor:
555 nicholson st
down the road from my studio and open until 10pm at night. perfect for the late nights.

3. kent st [again]
i know kent st was in the first short black map, but i just have to give it extra props. it is my all-time favourite cafe. almost my favourite place in the whole wide world and worth a second mention.

i’ve still got a few more places to discover (like brother baba budan and st. ali), but the map is getting good now, don’t you think. maybe next i’ll generate an open source-ish google map, like dan did for the modernism map. until then, photoshop it is.

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